Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The WIld Wild West

About two decades ago, these children playing without a care in the world wouldn't have been possible. These kids live in a mining community on Mt. Diwalwal which in the not too distant pasr was populated by denizens of the underworld, lost commands, and anybody who in some way have lost their will to live among us and chose to search for gold elsewhere. In the 1980's a gold rush in Mt. Diwalwal gave birth to a town where guns and gold ruled. Gun duels were everyday fare and the death toll kept rising. It was a survival of the fittest.
Today , there is peace and women and children need not live in fear.There is a schoolhouse. a health center, and an economy built on gold revenues.
The only real problem is with iver a 100,000 population and without a real eco-government policy, Mt.Diwalwal might soon become an ecological nightmare.

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